Utsira Offshore Wind

Utsira Nord hus
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Further investment in Utsira Nord

The Ministry of Energy will conduct a public consultation, in accordance with the state aid guidelines, and notify state support to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) this year and has therefore pushed back the application timeline for Utsira Nord to 2025. 

We would like to confirm that our consortium still has the ambition to take part and be awarded an area in the upcoming qualitative competition.

We would at the same time like to thank all our partners and possible suppliers for all the effort that so far has been put into the Utsira Nord project and our consortium. 

Our interest remains in developing the offshore wind industry in Norway and the discussions and work we have done together have enabled learnings to enhance collective knowledge and expertise to support the project. 

Acknowledging that our suppliers are the cornerstone in every aspect of a project, we expect to be able to continue the collaboration on the Utsira Nord project also in the next phase and that you will continue to support the partners in our aims towards net zero